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You want your staff to look well-dressed, united and professional. But, perhaps you simply don’t need a uniform. Maybe your business is small and a fully kitted-out uniform is not appropriate for your team.

Perhaps your philosophy is a casual one and a traditional uniform doesn’t suit that ethos. If you know the benefits of a uniform but also want your staff to embrace their individuality, don’t despair. Today, we give you a step-by-step guide on how to have a uniform without ‘actually having a uniform’.

In the corporate world, the definition of ‘uniform’ is quickly changing. Where once upon a time a suit and tie was the only option available to the average employee, now a myriad of corporate styles have emerged. This means that it is now possible to gain all the benefits of a uniform without embracing a traditional corporate look.

The key is this: create a customised look which is adaptable and flexible. Perhaps one staff member prefers to wear a skirt while another employee would rather wear trousers. Or, maybe one team member’s job means that a short-sleeved polo-shirt is more practical than a classic collared business shirt. By using a few simple tips, you can embrace all these preferences and still come away with a ‘uniformed’ look. Here are our top three tips for creating a unified but flexible look:

  1. Colour is key

Imagine the scenario stated above; one employee wants to wear a skirt, the other prefers trousers. If both of these items are made in the same fabric, then this variety looks purposeful and even powerful! By choosing coordinating colour schemes staff can be allowed to put together their own corporate look, one which subtly matches the other team members but isn’t a strict uniform. Be sure to think about your colour palette and fabric choices.

  1. Provide basics, personalise the rest

You could provide a simple shirt or business jacket, that instantly ties together any wardrobe. By keeping the items simple, the rest of the outfit is left up to employees personal preferences. Encourage variety in accessories and shoes and provide matching basics for a tailored look.

  1. Dress-Code

Good dress code is key to having a ‘uniformed approach’. If you decide that employees should only wear a particular colour palette or style of clothing, communicate this through a dress-code. A clear dress-code helps everyone look unified but not uniform.

A ‘uniformed approach’ is a great option for many businesses. Whether you want to nurture the organisation’s creativity, allow for extra comfort or preserve a budget – this technique is great. However, it can be difficult to get right. Many bulk-buy uniform suppliers simply do not have the design experience or resources to accommodate for this look without giving you a traditional uniform. Contact us today to speak about your options Get in touch.

